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decision, and I can't change that. I have to do what s best for me and my child. And that isn't living in
that shrine to a dead woman. Her voice cracked, and she took a deep breath to hold her composure.
 You're going to have to work something out, Jasper warned.  You re Pack now. You're one of
us. He leveled his gaze, and a mixture of warmth and fear spread to her. She could almost feel them
being her center, the connection to being her home, but it wouldn't work out. It never worked out.
 I wish that were true. I wish I were Pack the way you want me to be, but some things are just
not meant to be. And that was something she had experience with.
Chapter 11
Adam hadn t gone home yet. The night had passed, and he still was on patrol. Though he
could've gone home at any point during the night and let his other enforcers see their families, he
couldn't. He d left Bay on Jasper's doorstep and walked away. Talk about being a fucking coward.
They'd caught a scent late the night before and were still tracking. He and five of his men had
combed the woods around their wards, searching for the potential intruder. The scent was coated with
that putrid smell that now went with the Centrals new persona. He fisted his hands and cursed.
They were using some type of dark magic to shield themselves. Adam could only find the
leftover traces of their trail. It was as if something were cloaking them then fading over time, leaving
breadcrumbs for him. He couldn't tell how many wolves there were, or what they were doing there. It
wasn't a coincidence that their enemy was circling them like vultures waiting to pick off the weak.
He looked over his shoulder at his other men and gave a quick nod. They wouldn't stop until they
found the bastards, even if it took all day. They couldn't let the others come near their territory again.
Though the wards seemed to keep out the wolves, they knew even with the extra magic, they couldn't
keep out the demon. But no matter what, Adam would do his best.
He crouched down low, inhaled that sickly sweet scent again, and prowled toward the east. He
followed the trail to a grove of trees and froze. Once in the center of that, he knew he'd caught them.
Or, had they caught him?
He looked around and muttered a curse. It was a trap; they d walked right into it. Fuck, he
needed to get out of his head and stop thinking about that fiery redhead. If any of his men got hurt
because of him, he didn't know what he'd do.
He heard a growl, the sound creeping over him. He let his claws come out from his fingertips
and bared his teeth. Eleven Central wolves crept out from the trees, their eyes a deep black, the
power radiating from them unlike anything he'd seen before. These wolves were tainted, linked to the
demon. There was nothing he could do; they would have to die.
Eleven against six. Doable. He risked a look at his men and nodded. They each stripped and
shifted to wolves, their eyes focused on the enemy. Adam waited for them to be safe, as shifting took
at least some concentration. He didn't want them to be vulnerable to attack. The other wolves seemed
to be waiting; an aspect Adam didn't know what to think of. When his wolves were changed, he
stripped and changed himself. He pulled on his wolf, the magic flowing over him, as his bones broke
and his muscles tore and then rearranged themselves.
The others stood where they were, as if they had been waiting for him. He bared his teeth and let
his power flow.
Bring it.
The other wolves charged, and he lowered his head and charged right back. A small gray wolf
attacked his flank, and he turned, sinking his teeth into its pelts. It whimpered, and he shook his head,
gouging the bastard. The injured wolf howled and tried to bite back, but Adam released his jaw and
bit into the neck, severing the artery. The wolf let out a final gasp and stilled. Adam released him and
turned as another wolf jumped on his back. Adam rolled and pinned him to the ground and sank his
fangs into its flesh. He used claws to take out another hunk of fur, the blood pouring out of its side. He
bit down harder, and the light in the wolf's gaze faded.
His men fought around him, winning against the uneven odds. The largest enemy wolf stood to
the side, as if watching a play. Adam growled and ran toward him. How dare the bastard sit back and
watch men die and do nothing? The wolf seemed almost to grin, then let out a growl, disappearing
into the woods. Adam followed, determined not to let anyone leave alive, at least not without giving
some answers.
The other wolf was lazy and left a trail easy to follow. He ran through the brush, twigs and
leaves tearing at his fur, but Adam ignored it. He made it through an opening of trees and ended up at
the edge of the cliff. Though they were situated in the mountains, Adam rarely came to the cliff side.
The other wolf shot off to the side and growled, Adam doing the same. They leapt at each other, teeth,
fangs, and growls meeting.
The other wolf was bigger than him, a rare feat. It used its immense weight to pin Adam to the
ground. Adam twisted and turned, but not before the other wolf bit into his neck. He writhed with
rage, the fiery pain shocking his system. Blood coated his neck and flowed down his side. Black
spots floated over his vision, and his body grew heavy. The bastard must've struck an artery. Adam
knew he had to move fast and get someone to plug it up, or he might not make it.
He pinned the other wolf to the ground and took a steadying breath as he grew weaker.
The other wolf shifted to human, and Adam did the same. Though they might both be two naked
men, they were wolves first and didn't care about modesty.
 Tell me why you're here, Adam growled, surprised his voice was so steady, despite the blood
 We just want the redhead, the other wolf spat.
Adam cursed. He knew it. The Centrals wanted Bay, but why?
 What do you want with her? He shoved his forearm against the wolf s throat, forcing the other
man's eyes to bulge.
 Caym wants her, he rasped. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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