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"Tired." Teel yawned, her fingers fluttering to her mouth to cover the gap.
She felt herself being lifted and placed between silk sheets. "Thank you,"
she murmured, then she snuggled closer to the warm body that curled up
against her. *
She was sure it must have been her imagination when she heard someone
growl, "Tonight I'm going to go out of my mind."
- 6 -
TEEL STRUGGLED UP through a woolly world and forced her eyes open. Her
teeth ached, her eyes burned, her head throbbed. "Chazz must be nearby,"
she muttered, then was sorry she had voiced the thought aloud. It hurt her
throat to talk. Her eyes focused. She wasn't home in her carriage house in
Selby or in the hotel where she had checked in with the rest of the staff. "Oh,
God," she mumbled, hazy recollections beginning to intrude. She gritted her
teeth and turned her head on the pillow, but what she saw made her temples
thump and her teeth clench in horror. She closed her eyes again, hoping
Chazz wouldn't be there when she looked again. He was. She tried to roll
away from him but found she was immobilized by a heavy arm covered
lightly with black hair that was draped over her breasts.
Chazz mumbled in his sleep, and the arm tightened.
Suddenly Teel realized that they were both naked. "Oh, no!" She massaged
her throbbing forehead. She had slept with him last night! What was the
matter with her? She was definitely going to have to see a psychiatrist.
Going to bed with a womanizer, knowing full well what that would mean to
Chazz: exactly nothing. She had slept with him twice. She must be mad!
When she tried again to free herself, Chazz opened his eyes.
"Good morning, darling," he crooned, folding her closer and kissing her
nose, her cheeks, her hair.
"Now listen to me, Chazz " Before Teel could tell him what she thought of
him, his mouth had taken hold of hers. She felt her heart skip out of rhythm,
then begin to race.
His mouth gently teased her lips open, his tongue flicking over them before
penetrating into her mouth, heat building between them at once. His hands
feathered over her body and came to rest on her breasts. "You have beautiful
breasts, my love. My hands remember them. Since we made love, my mind
has been filled with thoughts of your body." He murmured the words against
her skin as his lips slid down her body.
"No, don't," Teel protested. "Have to get to the Garden. The children." But
her hands betrayed her and clung to his shoulders.
"Not to worry, angel. I'll take you there," Chazz soothed, his hands
exploring her body as though he were a blind man reading braille. His
mouth took hold of one nipple, and her whole being snapped bow-like into
his. "Oh yes, my angel, yes," Chazz breathed. "Kiss me, Teel. I need to have
you kiss me, love me." Chazz's voice was as fevered as his touch.
Teel hesitated, looking up at him, her hands caught in his hair. Her heart
thumped hard against her ribs as she studied his every pore.
"Chazz I we "
His arms convulsed around her, and he buried his face in her neck. "Teel,
don't ask me to stop now. I need you so much. Tell me you want me too."
"I want you," she whispered without thinking, then swallowed hard. A
picture of burning bridges flashed across her mind, the flames shooting high
into the air. She moved restlessly beneath him, and he groaned her name.
"I am going to kiss every inch of your body, woman of mine," he crooned,
not taking his mouth from her breasts.
Teel wanted to laugh at such a ridiculous idea, but she was too wrapped in
her own pink world to make a sound. When she felt him caressing her instep
with his mouth, then feathering each toe with his tongue, she gasped with
delight. Slowly, ever so slowly, and with increasing passion, he worked
himself up the other leg and over her body. Teel felt as though she were
being sectioned with a hot, liquid blade. When at last he reached her face,
his features looked carved from stone, blood throbbed at his temples, and his
breath came hard, as though he had just run up a mountain. "Darling, I
can't do you feel " Chazz's mouth crashed into hers, making her already
heated body flame out of control.
"Chazz Chazz please " Teel's head rolled wildly on the pillow, and she
clasped his body fiercely as he lifted himself over her.
"I have never wanted anyone the way I want you," he panted into her neck.
Her body trembled like a volcano about to erupt, the need that filled her
shocking her. She sensed Chazz holding back to pleasure her further and her
body writhed against him, telegraphing her readiness to him.
Their coming together awed them both, passion blinding and guiding them
to a fulfillment that encompassed only them, in a world that was only for
Sometime later Teel opened her eyes and cursed the weakness that had
robbed her of the strength to say no to Chazz. At once her headache
returned. Her eyes and teeth ached. She had to get away from this man
before she began to age prematurely. Already she felt one hundred and nine
years old.
Chazz nuzzled her ear. "Stop it," he told her. "You're looking around in that
little narrow mind of yours for a reason to call our love-making wrong. You
can't do it. It was perfect for both of us."
"I have to get to Madison Square Garden." Teel pushed the words past [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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