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and free access to the most powerful Data Base in the whole Universe. Perfectly correct
information on every form of matter, i.e. on every object, organism, or person, that ever existed
or will exist in the entire Universe, can be at everyone's finger tips. It is difficult to image how
dynamic the acceleration of our progress may be, once we have gained a proper and complete
mastery of ESP. For example the completion of new inventions such as the Oscillatory Chamber
or the Magnocraft would then require only the time necessary for their technical realization and
testing. All our present experiments and developmental procedures would not be necessary at
all after the proper application of ESP.
It should be stressed, that in accordance with the Concept of Dipolar Gravity each person
projects part of his/her body into the counter-world. Therefore theoretically each of us meets all
the requirements necessary to successfully develop and use involuntary ESP technique. But
to do this, some clearly recognizable signals, communicated involuntarily by our body must be
developed and maintained. Without such signals the required information, after reaching us, can
not be interpreted and understood. Therefore to make ESP work, continual practice is
necessary, to maintain the same clear answer signals (e.g. in the pendulum-assisted ESP: the
clockwise circulating of a pendulum for the answer YES, a swinging movement for the answer
NO, and a counter-clockwise circulating for the answer ERROR IN THE FORMULATION OF AN
INQUIRY). Since continual training is required, perfection in ESP can be achieved only by
extremely strongly motivated hobbyist or people living from it professionally (e.g. dowsers). Only
they can afford the time and energy for everyday practice to improve their techniques.
Out of all techniques of involuntary ESP, the greatest potentials for application in science
and technology carries instrumental ESPs. Instrumental ESPs are all those techniques in which
bodies of ESP practitioners are connected to some kind of instrument (pointer) which displays
or interprets involuntary signals perceived by these bodies. Present techniques of instrumental
ESP utilize for pointers very primitive equipment (e.g. divining pendulums, divining rods) which
have not improved for many centuries. But conclusions from the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
especially those concerning the electromagnetic manifestation of paranormal phenomena (see
subsection D5), open the way for utilizing more sophisticated and reliable electronic equipment.
Those conclusions indicate that using devices similar to "lie detectors" would increase
significantly the reliability of ESP answers.
Presently most popular technique of instrumental ESP involves the application of divining
pendulum. This technique seems to be easiest to master, does not require any sophisticated
equipment, is universal, and gives quite reliable and repetitive answers. Its disadvantages
include: (2) the difficulty of use in open or unstable areas, where the action of wind or waves
disturbs the movement of a pendulum (therefore for confirmation in a natural environment,
findings of a pendulum are usually supplemented with the use of a divining rod), and (2) the
requirement of continual practice to maintain the reliability of signals. Let us now review the
evidence accumulated by the author so far, which proves the effectiveness of the
pendulum-assisted ESP.
#1D8. Water divining on a map. This is one of the most popular applications of the
pendulum-assisted ESP technique. In this application the main part of the search is conducted
within the diviner's office. A client is asked to draw or to present the map of a searched area.
Then, using a pendulum, this map is oriented towards geographic north, so that the north on the
map points northward also in the diviner's office. The next step is finding and marking on this
may the course of main streams of water in the searched area. For each of them the efficiency
of the flow, the quality (clarity) of water and the underground depth of a stream is determined.
After the client decides which stream he/she would like to exploit, the diviner visits the area and
points out its exact location (this time using a divining rod). Further details about this application
can be learned from numerous books dedicated to water divining, or from Mr. Brian J. Watson,
145 Tarbert St., Alexandra, New Zealand, who is one of the diviners utilizing it practically.
In the above application of the pendulum-assisted ESP, the drawing of a map is
frequently replaced by using an already printed one. But this printed map must be located only
on one side of a piece of paper (i.e. the other side should be blank). This is because the
information on a map represents an abstraction, whereas the piece of paper on which it is drawn
constitutes the material object. So the register belong to this piece of paper whereas the map
is stored only as information written into this register. When a paper is printed on both sides its
register contains two sets of information which can be easily confused by a diviner searching
through it.
It is extremely stimulating to analyze the methods of acquiring quantitative information
(i.e. efficiency of the water flow, iron content of the water, underground depth of the stream, etc.)
used by various dowsers. Each dowser uses a method which differs from that used by other
dowsers, but at the same time each one of them meets the requirements of Perfect Data Base
(PDB) described in subsection D8.1. Reviewing these methods reminds one of looking at
programs by various authors prepared in such a way that each program applies a different
procedure, but all of them access the same Data Base and answer the same questions. An
analysis of these methods reveals how accurate and how useful the PDB analogy in describing
the ESP phenomena is.
#2D8. Minerals divining. Techniques of instrumental ESP, in a way similar to water
divining, can also be used for finding other substances, minerals or objects. The principal
requirement in such a case is that the diviner holds in his hand, or looks at a sample of the
substance or the identifying attribute of the object that he is searching for. To meet this
requirement, diviners frequently use pendulums made of the substance they are searching for.
Some of them use a transparent pendulum formed as a kind of bottle into which they put the
searched for mineral.
#3D8. Designing new technical devices. In 1985 the author of this monograph met Mr
Alan Plank, a professional dowser - see Figure D1. Mr Plank spends much of his spare time
quite successfully mining gold, for which he utilizes the pendulum technique to locate deposits
of gold. For the purpose of this mining, Mr Plank needed a very efficient pump, able to withdraw
not only water but also stones, sand and pieces of gold. Everything that industry offers in this
matter is not efficient enough, and also the technical solutions used in the commercial pumps
are inadequate for the purposes of gold mining. Therefore Mr Plank decided to build a suitable
pump by himself. Because he is not an engineer, he asked his pendulum for professional help
in designing his pump. On a piece of paper he drew the lines indicated by the pendulum. The
pendulum also indicated the dimensions and materials. The final construction is extremely [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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