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could. Once his mind started working again, he began sucking.
They moved together, using tongue and lips. Austin fondled
Branimir s balls, tugging and massaging them, while he sucked as
much of Branimir s shaft as he could. He couldn t take the whole
thing in without choking himself.
Branimir tapped his hip, alerting him, and he hummed softly.
Salty cum coated his tongue as he drank down Branimir s climax.
He grunted and lifted his hips, spilling his own cum into his lover s
After they finished, they took a quick dip in the pond to rinse
off and snuggled under the blanket for a little while before heading
back to the house. Not a word was spoken and neither man felt the
need to say anything.
Branimir finished grooming Mary and fed her a few carrots
before letting her out into her paddock. She whinnied and took off
toward Sparky, who stood in the far corner under the large oak
shading the corners of four paddocks. He grinned at their
enthusiastic greeting. By the way they were acting, he would have
thought Mary had been gone for weeks instead of the two hours
Branimir had ridden her.
He went back into the barn and packed up her grooming box,
returning it to the trunk in front of her stall. Glancing at his watch,
he nodded. He had enough time to call Austin before his first
lesson of the afternoon showed.
After shutting the door of his office, he settled in his chair and
pulled out his cell phone. Branimir dialed Austin s number and
leaned back, propping his feet on his desk.

Hey there. Austin sounded happy.

Hello, honey. How s the show life treating you?

Good so far. It ll take a few more classes to get back into the
swing of things, but I m healthy and that s the important part.
Austin laughed. 
So to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?
 can t just call my boyfriend up in the middle of the day to
say hi? he asked, teasing a little, but also a bit nervous because it
was the first time he d ever called Austin his boyfriend.
Silence filled the air between them for a moment and he
realized he d surprised Austin with the endearment. He shifted
uneasily in the chair. Had he moved too fast? Was Austin not
ready for their relationship to be as serious as that? Maybe Austin
thought once he left, they would just be fuck buddies.

Wow& does it make me sound weird if I tell you I m dancing
around the barn, frigging excited as hell that you called me your
boyfriend? Austin sounded breathless.
Branimir released his breath.  sound weird at all,
Doesn t
sweetheart. I have to admit it kind of slipped out, then I panicked
about how you were going to react.
Their mirth mingled together as their relief filled them.
Branimir rested his head against the chair, staring up at the ceiling
of the barn.
 do know you can call me any time you want, right?
Unless I m in the middle of a class or something, I ll always
 here. Branimir sighed.  wanted to hear your voice,
Same I
but I also wanted to let you know Mary s ready for you. If you
have some free time to come back, I d like to have you spend some
time with her while I m around.

Wow. I ve only been gone two weeks and you ve gotten her
ready for me to ride. That s awesome.
Austin s excitement and praise touched Branimir deep inside. It
had been quite a few years since he d let anyone s admiration of
him matter so much.

It wasn t that hard once I put a saddle on her. We worked on
helping her get beyond the memories of the past. She knows both
of us, and we ve never hurt her or forced her to do something she
didn t want. I took her over the outdoor course, and she loved
those jumps. I think you have a good eventer on your hands.
 Reall Great. I have Petey, but he s injury-prone. It s been
hard to keep him sound the entire season. A voice murmured in
the background.  I ve got to go. Have to ride in a jumping

No problem. Call me later tonight and we ll see about getting
you back here for a couple of days to try her out before we ship her
back to your place. He paused for a second, then blurted,  love
you, Austin.
He hung up before Austin could respond. He knew he d hear
about that tonight when Austin called him, but he couldn t stop
what his heart wanted to say. He did love Austin. They had spent
three months together, living in the same house and sleeping in the
same bed. He d learned so much about Austin during that time and
he d grown to love the man. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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