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only he knew how badly she wanted to touch him, to feel his arms around her, again. Kat
drew a deep breath and turned to walk away, but his low voice stopped her in her tracks.
 Come with me, Kat. Please. Glancing over her shoulder, she caught the expression
in his eyes: stark vulnerability.
Her traitorous heart softened, and Kat left her empty glass on a nearby table. When
he offered his arm, she accepted, following him out of the crowded room. He led her
down the darkened corridor and into a maintenance elevator.
 Where in the world are we going?
 You ll see. I need to speak with you privately, so we re going where no one else
will look for us.
Blake turned to her, his eyes soft, and raised her hand to his lips. The doors slid
open. At his gesture, she preceded him, and they walked through another darkened
hallway. Neither spoke until they came to a steel door with  Entry Prohibited embossed
in capital letters. Blake gripped the knob and pushed the door open.
 What are you doing?
He turned to her and grinned.  I was prohibited to enter you, too, but I did it
Kat rolled her eyes and gave him a hard smack on the shoulder, a slight smile
tugging at her lips, despite her resistance. She brushed past him.
And froze.
The stone terrace was bedecked with flowers. Strings of blooms masked the ugly
metallic railings, and petals lay scattered on every surface. She felt Blake s warmth
behind her; his arms came around her waist and he pulled her close to him. After
stiffening for an instant, she relaxed in his embrace. How she had dreamed of him
holding her&
 What & what are all the flowers for?
 For you, kitten. I thought I d give you a farewell of my own.
She narrowed her eyes.  You call me that again, and I ll have no choice but to claw
He laughed, and the sound rumbled through her.  And there s the tigress again. I
thought she d gotten lost in the jungle.
Kat glared at him and broke away, walking towards the ledge. Pressing her hands
against the cool stone, she gazed at the starry sky. A light breeze ruffled her dress, and
she shivered. So this was it. Goodbye. Tears rose in her throat. It was irrational to feel
this way; she knew it had to end, but some part of her had hoped&
 Kat? He spoke softly, his voice concerned.
Leaning over the edge, she stared down at the cityscape below. She sniffled, not
wanting to face him. He clasped her waist and turned her around.  Kat, what is it? Why
are you ?
 I ll miss you, she blurted out, before she could stop herself.
He looked pained and hopeful, all at once, as he tucked a loose stand of hair behind
her ear.  You don t have to.
 What the hell are you talking about?
 You said & you said we d get over this. He tenderly traced the line of her cheek,
and his voice dropped a notch.  I don t think I will, Kat. Nor do I want to.
Kat stared up at him. A ray of moonlight fell across his chiseled face, and his silver
eyes blazed in the darkness.
 The flowers are for your departure from the firm, not from my life. He hesitated
for a moment.  I m sorry about breaking it off because of Marina, but I panicked when I
thought she knew. I didn t want to lose my job, but that was before I realized & losing
you was worse. When she didn t reply, he tilted her chin upwards.  And I hope you
know I never got involved with her or anyone else; I wouldn t.
The raw pain in his voice forced her to speak. She really had hurt him with her
thoughtless accusations.  I m sorry about what I said, Blake. I know you wouldn t do
that, and I & I was just trying to hurt you as you d hurt me. I m sorry.
Blake cupped her face with his hands.  I was hoping you d stay with me, Kat.
There s honestly no reason to end this. I thought there was, but & I ll give up all of that
nonsense to have you back. Warmth rose in her chest; he gazed down at her with such
tenderness in his eyes.  And I & I love you.
 Oh, Blake, I love you, too. And suddenly, that was all that mattered. Uncertainty
and anger drifted away as his lips descended on hers in a fierce, possessive kiss. She gave
herself up to it, yielding to him. She d given him her body, but now she gave her heart. A
rush of love surged through her, and for the first time, she allowed all of herself to be
The End
About the Author:
Born a hopeless dreamer, Lily Ashford always knew she would write romance, but
she never imagined a foray into the darker waters of erotic fiction. That said, the water s
steamy and sensual, just as she likes it. Her stories are by turns funny, dramatic, and at
times, otherworldly; but always, there is a deeply emotional relationship at the core.
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