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Tactical Combat: Debris-field hexes should be marked on
the map and spacecraft should attempt to maneuver around
them. If a ship s course from its placeholder to its position
intersects these hexes traveling two or more hexes per turn, it
is fast enough to be at risk. Roll at the end of the vessel s vec-
tor movement step (with the same chance as described above)
to determine if a collision occurs.
Resolving Debris Collisions
If a collision is indicated, find the SM of the object as
detailed above. Then consult the Object Table (below) to deter-
mine its dHP and dDR.
Object Table
0 6 0 +8 140 7
+1 10 0 +9 200 10
+2 14 1 +10 300 15
+3 20 1 +11 400 20
+4 30 2 +12 600 30
+5 40 2 +13 1,000 50
+6 60 3 +14 1,400 70
+7 100 5 +15 2,000 100
Facing: If a spacecraft made a fast pass or closed, the object
Cover in a Debris Field
collides with its front hull. If it took evasive action, roll 1d: 1-3
= front hull, 4-5 = central hull, 6 = rear hull.
A debris field is dense enough to give a spacecraft a cover
Base Relative Velocity: Use the Base Relative Velocity Table
bonus! Ships in a field are at -2 to be hit if the fragments are
(GURPS Spaceships, p. 59), treating the object as if it were
larger than they, or -1 if they are of equal size (GM s call). This
does not apply to ghost particle beam fire, but the same modi- closing. If the ship performed a fast pass, use the moving ves-
sel s actual velocity instead.
fiers do apply to all detection rolls.
Point Defense: The colliding spacecraft may attempt Point
Tactical Combat: This only applies if the line of fire passes
Defense attacks if it meets the criteria to do so (see GURPS
into or through a debris-field hex or, in the case of missiles or
Spaceships, p. 59). However, it s harder to stop a big inert
guns, if the target is inside a debris hex.
object than a small missile! It requires reducing the object to
-5¥dHP or less; bringing it to 0 dHP won t stop it in time, but
Risking Collision it results in smaller, more diffuse chunks of rubble. Treat the
fragment s SM as two less when it strikes. (An object reduced
In the basic combat system, any spacecraft that used a
to SM -1 has dHP 4; at SM -2 it has dHP 3).
Closing Maneuver, Evasive Action, or Retreat with an accelera-
Dodging: If the spacecraft is eligible, it may attempt to
tion bonus of +3 or more, or that performed a fast pass, risks
dodge the object (or fragments); otherwise it is struck.
crashing into something. Roll 3d at the end of the vehicle s
Impact: Determine damage using the Collisions and
Piloting tasks step. On a roll less than or equal to the vessel s
Conventional Warheads rule (GURPS Spaceships, p. 61), treat-
(SM+3)/2 (rounded up) the spacecraft is on a collision course
ing the object as a ramming spacecraft with the SM and dHP
with a chunk of debris. Roll 3d-3 to determine the Size Modifier
shown on the Object Table (above).
of the object and see Resolving Debris Collisions (below).
Like everyone else, my pilots have lost their families, their friends,
everyone they ever cared about; but on top of that they re asked to put
their lives on the line every single day, for a fleet that seems more
interested in what they do wrong than in what they do right. They re not
asking for your pity, but they damn well deserve your respect.
 Captain Lee  Apollo Adama, Battlestar Galactica (2004) #2.8
This chapter provides additional design rules and compo- These rules add to or modify the ones found in GURPS
nents especially suitable for carriers and mecha, as well as Spaceships.
options for custom design of missiles and small spacecraft.
Robot Leg and Handheld can be added to any spacecraft to Move: Determine both Acceleration and Top Speed, in
create mecha and other walking vehicles. Area Jammer is suit- yards/second (see GURPS Basic Set, p. 463; double this to get
able for any craft, while Optimized Hangar Bay can enhance mph). Acceleration and Top Speed are 5 for one leg or 10 for
carriers. (Entries for SM +4 are for use with the smaller-craft two legs. For craft with three or more legs, Acceleration is 10;
rules on pp. 38-39.) Top Speed is 5 times the number of legs, e.g., four legs would
give the vehicle 10/20.
Ground Hnd/SR: This depends on SM and the number of
legs. The table shows the ground Handling and Stability
Rating, e.g., SM +5 with two legs is Hnd +3 and SR 3.
Spacecraft designed as mecha that move on the ground
require one or more robot leg systems, representing a mechan-
SM +4 +5 +6 +7
ical leg and associated motors. Two legs are typical, but one or
One leg +4/1 +3/1 +2/1 +1/1
more than two legs are possible.
Two legs +4/3 +3/3 +2/3 +1/3
One-legged craft are slower. Those with three or more are
Three legs +3/4 +2/4 +1/4 0/4
less maneuverable but faster and more stable. Robot legs are
Four or more legs +3/5 +2/5 +1/5 0/5
only practical on SM +4 to +7 vessels.
Although a high-energy system, only one Power Point is
Apply a -1 modifier to Handling if the craft is either stream-
required regardless of the number of leg systems installed.
lined or winged; apply a -1 modifier to SR if it is both.
Robot Leg Table
SM +4 +5 +6 +7
These options can be added to spacecraft systems.
Workspaces 0 0 0 0
Cost ($) 100K 300K 1M 3M
Area Jammer (TL7)
Repair Skill: Mechanic (Mecha or Robotics).
For Defensive ECM
This feature can be attached to a Defensive ECM system. It
Ground Performance
gives it an area-jamming mode, protecting nearby vessels as
Craft with robot legs have a ground Move and Speed as well
well as itself.
as a ground Hnd/SR.
In area-jammer mode, it has half its effect (-1 per system) only the best modifier. Switching modes counts as an
but protects both itself and other friendly spacecraft within Electronics Operation task.
its jamming radius. Those whose SM exceeds that of the jam- In the basic space combat system, an area jammer protects
ming vessel by three or more are not protected, as they are all spacecraft in formation with the jamming ship (see
too large to mask. Formations, GURPS Spaceships, p. 65). In the tactical system,
Area-jammer mode is not cumulative with a spacecraft s depending on the scale, it protects a radius around the jam-
own defensive ECM, nor with the effects of other jammers. Use ming vessel as shown in the Area Jam Radius Table (below).
Area Jam Radius Table
SM +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15
10-mile 5 7 10 15 20 30 50 70 100 150 200 300
100-mile 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 7 10 15 20 30
1,000-mile 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3
Handheld weapons are not protected by a vessel s dDR.
However, they are rugged and protected with the same dDR
For Major Batteries
as one system of US metallic laminate armor: dDR 2 (SM +4),
A major battery may be designated as a  handheld weapon
3 (SM +5), 5 (SM +6), 7 (SM +7), and so on. They can be tar-
for a spacecraft with a robot arm. A handheld weapon is
geted using the same rules for targeting other specific sys-
attached to the hull with a folding bracket or cable that trans-
tems; any damage that penetrates the weapon s integral dDR
mits targeting data and electrical power. The cable is equal in
destroys it.
length to the ship s length. When not held, it folds flush against
the spacecraft s side or clamps onto it.
Optimized Hangar Bay (TL7)
A handheld weapon can only be fired if the spacecraft has
one or two arms free. Treat the arm as a turret mount for For Hangar Bays
determining bearing and arc of fire. Using two arms braces the Hangar bays on an SM +8 or larger vessel may be opti-
weapon: Add +1 to hit (compared to +2 for a fixed mount). mized to carry a particular size of craft: That SM must be at
Besides bracing, handheld weapons have another advan- least 3 levels smaller than the carrier s. Record this along with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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