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Laws of Nature, not the laws of man.
We, here in the Hollow Earth, are one with nature, one with all life, and one with God. This is why we live such long lives and are so
healthy. We know we are all a part of our planet, and our planet is a part of us. When we work with nature, we work as one. When we
ignore nature, we ignore ourselves. This is a Universal Law that is crucial to your survival as a species.
We bring your attention to this, so you can protect your planet so that you have a home to evolve on. Since you can't evolve in space,
we wonder why you so blatantly destroy your home?
You would marvel at the wonders in the Inner Earth, the wonders of beauty and the "down to earth" sensible lifestyles we have, all
because we apply the Universal Law of the Oneness of all life. I bid you good day.
Our Fields of Grains
Our fields of grains sparkle and thrive and are perfectly touched by the "sun" and rain to produce the most luscious of crops that are
so pleasing to our palates and so invigorating for our bodies. Our food pulses with the force of life, and when eaten by us, transfers
the life force into our very cells, which results in perfect health and longevity of years.
This is the secret of life; this is the hidden fountain of youth you've all been looking for on your surface. It is found in the Earth herself,
just waiting to give you its life force if you will but follow nature's laws of planting and harvesting crops, using only nature herself to
direct the process and oversee the growth. With the great forces of nature working with you, you don't need to add anything to the
soil, and the harvests are always magnificent in size and nutrients and taste.
This strength given us by our foods enables us to perform Herculean feats with our bodies that you would consider impossible. We
can walk and run extremely long distances without tiring, and swim for hours at a time. We are not tired at the end of a day's "work",
because nothing we do is "work". It is all joy and ease, and contentment is felt at the end of each
Our lives are truly wonderful, and we have much to feel blessed for. But we have created this utopia ourselves, and so can, and so
will, you. For your future is to be glorious. You are about to break through this density into heaven. And this heaven is right here on
Earth. Right now only half of the planet resides here, but soon the whole planet will be in the heaven you've been searching for. For
heaven is not in another place; its location is right here on Earth. Right here where you live. You only have to bring it here through
your higher consciousness. For heaven is just a frequency, and you are now rising rapidly toward accessing that frequency. And We,
here in the Hollow Earth, are applauding your desire and determination to grow in awareness and reach the frequency of ascension
that is plummeting to Earth from the Great Central Sun. Your Father/Mother, God and Goddess, Alpha and Omega, are bringing you
home, back into their bosoms of love, where We will all dwell for the rest of eternity.
14. Our Environment and Water
How Do You Control the Weather in the Hollow Earth?
Greetings on this fine winter day in 2003. We feel the climate changes from above, just as you do, even though we are physically
removed from them and nestled snugly inside the Hollow Earth. For we track the weather conditions and anomalies on the surface,
and can tell when a cataclysm (earth quake, hurricane, etc.) is about to occur. We are meteorologists too, and specialize in
monitoring the weather conditions on the surface. This way, we can tell where pockets of darkness and negative thought forms that
create weather imbalances are coming from. We then focus our love light on these areas to disperse and dematerialize them. This is
one of the many contributions we render to the surface.
If surface folk knew the importance of keeping their mental and feeling bodies balanced, they could change the world overnight from
one of chaos to one of peace. It's all in the balance. As each of you brings balance to your life, the Earth gains that measure and it
goes out to all life, which in turn adds this amount of balance to their lives.. .and so it goes. It means to monitor and control your
thoughts and feelings, just as you would monitor and control a science experiment in a lab to produce the desired results.
Well, think of your life as an experiment, and you being given the experience of learning to control all aspects of yourself. This is the
key to a harmonious life and to peace on Earth. Each person plays such an integral role in bringing peace, that you would be amazed
if you could 'actually see' how your thoughts and feelings go out into the world and touch others. It is a Law of Life that whatever you
think and feel creates your reality and affects others as well -including all the other Kingdoms on Earth.
You are powerful, aren't you? Now harness your power into constructive building blocks that will bring peace to everyone around you
and that will promote peace on Earth. It all starts with you, each individual on Earth. Take control of your life, and you can control the
weather and receive the benefit of warm, sunshiny days, with gentle breezes that caress your skin. This is the 'true' weather control
system, and we've installed it in the Hollow Earth. And you can install it for free on the surface, with 'no' installation fees.
Not only can you balance the weather using this technique, but you can balance your body and free it from stress and the imbalancing
factors that cause disease. All these with no charge either. Everything you wish for, you can create from within yourself for free, and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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