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adventure they may soon set out upon. Give them mental comfort, and pray that they have a gentle
passing, in sleep.
If someone is dying and you are not there, light a new white candle and ask the Goddess to gently take
them into her arms and bring them to the Garden of the Soul, where friends and loved ones will meet
again. As the candle burns down, often the soul departs with a smile on their face, as if they can see
the Light and those they love waiting.
A Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com
How much you need to study will depend on your own ordinary state of health. If you are always
well, then your healing studies may need to be applied to others. If you suffer frequent colds, allergies,
headaches, back pain or general ill health, you will need to begin your practical work by considering
what makes you unwell and what remedies or forms of alternative therapy you are willing to try.
In your Book of Illumination list all the occasions in the last year when you were ill and, if you can
recall, what was going on in your life which might have contributed to the situation. If you have been
generally healthy, decide why.
List a number of forms of therapy and what they consist of, trying to find holistic methods. Consider
if you would like to learn one, and if so discover the training body which teaches it or, if it is a subject
you can master alone, a book that will help you.
Learn to take your own pulse, in your wrist or throat, so that you can use this for 'biofeedback', taking
your pulse rate before and after meditation or concentration exercises, or even after rituals or
divination sessions. Count your breaths, and learn to concentrate on breathing slowly in and out whilst
counting sets of pulse beats, so that you are unaware of anything else. Teach yourself to do this for
two minutes and practise until you can concentrate for five minutes.
Start growing or collecting herbs, both for cooking (even if you happen to be someone who doesn't
cook for yourself) and for healing and incense, dream improvement or relaxation. Try at least four
different herb teas to see what they do for you.
Experiment with different forms of relaxation for meditation, for example sitting still, walking, lying
on your back or side, slumped in an easy chair or whilst doing boring tasks, when your mind can
freewheel around a topic. See which produces the most useful results.
Make a talisman for healing some aspect of the Earth as a whole, or that wisdom in the use of natural
resources will dawn on those in power. Try to make it out of biodegradable materials, and bury it in a
sacred place.
Discuss ill health with friends or the family. Get their views on the psychology of illness and
Start studying with a school or training scheme, even evening classes if you can, so that you have
some serious instruction about a healing method. Keep quiet about your budding skills, or you may
get more patients than you can handle!
There are many hundreds of excellent instructional and explanatory books on dozens of different
alternative therapies or holistic healing methods so do check the library catalogue. After all, the old
village witches were famed for their healing skills, using primitive methods.
Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Healing (Lucis Press)
Fritjof Capra, The Turning Point (Wildwood House)
Larry Dossey, Space, Time and Medicine (Shambhala)
Murry Hope, The Psychology of Healing (Element Books)
Michael Howard, Traditional Folk Remedies (Century)
Carl and Stephanie Simonton, Getting Well Again (Tarcher)
A Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com
8 - The Old Crafts of Divination and Dowsing
You could use a picture or a pattern as an analogy to represent something In this sense there is a lot
of similarity between using a pendulum and using one of the classic divinatory tools such as the Tarot
or the I Ching The main difference is that with the pendulum we're specifically asking a single
question and aiming for a single answer, whereas with the Tarot we're using the rich symbolism of the
card designs, developed over centuries, as allegories rather than analogies, to look at a general
background in an overall way Again, it's like the pendulum, 'entirely coincidence and mostly
imaginary' to be used rather than worried about.
(Tom Graves The Elements Of Pendulum Dowsing)
Among the many skills the old village witches had was that of divination in its many forms.
Technically, divination is a method of receiving information directly from the divinity, which in both
ancient and modern practice takes many forms. The older folk forms for telling people's fortunes
include palmistry, when the lines and shapes of the hands are considered; reading the messages of
cards, particularly the magical images imparted by the Tarot cards, whose history may well be
extremely old although the decks we are familiar with today only came into use from about AD 1500.
The old wise women and men could read omens, a much ignored system about which I will explain
later, for this is a very simple method relying entirely on unstructured intuition.
It is likely that the Old Wise Ones had a basic knowledge of astrology, not the intellectual, ephemeris-
based system used by most modern astrologers, but a reaction to the actual positions of the planets and
signs as they appeared in the night sky. Oracle stones, marked on one side with traditional, planet-
based symbols, were tossed out onto the floor, and their message read from the position and
relationship of each visible pattern by those wise in this matter.
More complex versions of this old method are beginning to appear commercially, using the
Scandinavian runes, on both clay tiles and wooden discs. Modern authorities on this subject are
springing up like mushrooms all over Europe, and each seems to have a slightly different approach to
the matter!
Perhaps psychometry was the most powerful divinatory system used by the old lady, sitting by the
hearth of her cottage. Today this is usually done by 'reading' an object which has belonged to the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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