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sufficiently to reply.
 Dey won t do nut n, he said, closing the argument to his own satisfaction.
 I don t know, Jeffroll demurred.  They re bound to be
pretty vindictive. Ever since Garthwait first came here we ve
been ready to clear out at short notice, and now we can afford
to go 
Hoppy continued to shake his head.
 Dey won t do nut n, he repeated emphatically.  Mr. Templar tells me to get
rid of  em, an what de boss says goes.
 What on earth do you mean? demanded the Saint faintly.
 I mean I take  em for a ride, like ya told me, boss. We take de motor-boat,
an when we re outside de harbour I haul out my Betsy an give dem de woiks.
Dey won t do nut n. Mr. Uniatz stretched himself complacently.  Say, juse
guys mind if I take dis bottle upstairs an finish it? I just finished de last
voice of a pome I was makin up on de way back, an I gotta tell it to Julia
before I forget.
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