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income-increasing strategies they had massive success, increasing their business or income by $50,000 in a month or
by 100 percent in six months. The financial success isn't what astounds me-I expect that. What I can't believe is that
many of them only use one of the strategies, and once they get a windfall they stop entirely. Every one of these
strategies can produce significant results for you. And they produce more dramatic results when used in combination
with each other and when implemented into a formalized ongoing strategy system.
If you're timid, take little steps in the beginning (you can test any of these principles on a small scale with no financial
or career risk). You'll see these strategies work. You'll gain confidence in them and yourself. Then you can start to take
bigger steps. But don't just sit there doing nothing. Take the first step, no matter how small it may be. Take it.
A very wise man said, "Far more is accomplished through movement than was ever achieved through meditation." And
while I think meditation, contemplation, and formulation are all quite essential to the success process, unless you act
you'll never realize any rewards.
You now have the knowledge to embark on a wonderful adventure. Don't limit your trip. Don't stop when you make
your business or life successful. That's only the first leg of the trip. Focus on bigger successes, greater possibilities, and
constant, never-ending personal and business improvement.
In this chapter you will learn how to think about building levels of future success and profitable growth you never
dreamed possible.
Adopt and Adapt
Don't limit yourself to the examples and applications I have given you of how to apply the strategies to your specific
business situation. A standard-size book can contain only so many examples. But the number of applications that you
can adopt or adapt is unlimited. And you can discover new variations every-where you look.
All you have to do is refocus your mind to start looking at how other businesses sell, market, build, and keep their
And how people and businesses do things to achieve any of the results you want. Then ask yourself how you can adapt
that method or process to what you do.
In essence, you turn yourself into a success-practices investigator. Your goal is to uncover and identify what powerful
marketing and selling approaches other industries have discovered that you don't know about, and then find an easy
way to apply those methods to your business.
It's so much easier than you think. Just start being extremely observant of everything around you.
Keep a notebook at home, at the office, in the car. Whenever you observe a powerful marketing technique that
captivates you-makes you want to respond to a product or service jot down the concept, approach, language, sales
presentation, etc., that worked, and incorporate similar or related techniques into your marketing tests.
Read every good ad you see published, then clip and save it for future reference. Note all the TV and radio
commercials that convince you to buy-especially the ones that almost convince you even though you don't need the
product or service.
When you get solicitations in the mail, stop throwing them away. Realize the fact that companies wouldn't keep
mailing these solicitations out unless they produced profitable results-so there's probably something you can learn and
apply by studying those letters. Maybe there's a good headline or great opening you could use in a letter you might
send out to your own clients.
Headlines can be applied to ads, letters, sales presentations, etc. The same goes for positioning, guarantees, and
Maybe there's an incredible risk-reversal or closing approach in that letter that you can use directly.
A few years ago I made small fortunes for several clients by reading an ad (in, of all places, the National Enquirer) that
offered expensive gems inexpensively. I had absolutely no interest whatsoever in the gems, but I had enormous
fascination with the selling approach-both the positioning and actual copy-that the ad used.
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I borrowed the concept and selling principles and applied them to software, pest control services, and other business-
and my clients made over $3 million in one year for my trouble. But obviously it was no trouble at all. Instead, it was a
pleasure to let other industries create and perfect success practices and then adopt and apply those practices to other
I want you to start doing the same, and start doing it today. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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