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Rasa dance was filled with the sounds of bracelets, bangles, anklets and small bells of the damsels
enjoying the company of their beloved Lord. In the minds of those damsels, the glorious Lord, son
of Vasudeva, shone with great brilliance and beauty like a large emerald at the centre of a garland of
golden beads.
With their measured steps, with the graceful movements of their hands, with their
bewitching smile with the lovely contraction and expansion of their eyebrows, with shaky bodies,
with ear-rings rocking on their cheeks, with their moving locks of hair covering their foreheads,
with drops of perspiration trickling down their face, and with the knots of their hair loosened, the
Gopis began to sing. They appeared beautiful like flashes of lightning illuminating the blue clouds.
The Gopis were immensely delighted at the touch of Sri Krishna whose music filled the
whole world. They sang in the highest pitch with great love.
A Gopi proceeded to sing in chorus with Krishna the notes of the gamut. She suddenly
raised her voice to a higher pitch and sang beautifully. The Lord highly praised her by saying  well
done, well done. The Gopi, thus having been encouraged, raised her voice to Dhruva Tala. Krishna
again honoured her.
Another Gopi got fatigued during her dance. The jasmine flowers began to drop from her
braid, and her bracelets became loose on her wrists. She threw her arm round the neck of Sri
Krishna and pressed Him close to her.
Another Gopi smelt on her shoulder Sri Krishna s arms fragrant like lotus and smeared with
sandal. She kissed it while the hair of her body stood on end out of ecstasy.
Another Gopi placed her cheek on Krishna s cheek which was beautiful by the lustre of his
ear-rings that were rocking on account of the movements of His body in dancing.
Another Gopi was dancing and singing by His side jingling the anklets at her feet. When she
got fatigued, she pressed Sri Krishna s comforting lotus-like palms to her bosom.
Thus the Gopis obtaining Achyuta, the beloved husband of Lakshmi, and being embraced
by His arms, sang and danced with Him.
With the beauty of their face enhanced by the lilies on their ears, with their foreheads
decorated with flowing locks, with drops of sweat on their face, the Gopis danced with the glorious
Lord to the accompaniment of the music of their bangles and anklets in the court of Rasa, where the
humming bees were the songsters.
Sri Krishna sported with the beautiful damsels, just as a child plays with image reflected in a
mirror, delighting them by pressure of hand, affectionate glances, with winning laughs, and
enchanting smiles.
O Parikshit! Their senses were overwhelmed with joy at the contact of the Lord s person.
The garlands of flowers and their ornaments were loosened and fell from their places. They were
not able to keep their hair, clothes and vests in their proper places. At the sight of this wonderful
Rasa of Lord Krishna, the celestial women were stricken with love and fainted. The moon of her
retinue of stars stopped her course and stood in amazement.
Though the Lord always finds delight in Himself alone, yet He sported with the Gopis in
playfulness, in as many forms as there were Gopis.
When the Gopis were greatly fatigued, the merciful Lord wiped the sweat off their faces
with His auspicious hands.
The touch of Sri Krishna s hand gave immense delight to the Gopis. They sang songs of His
meritorious deeds and offered homage to the Lord with the splendour of their cheeks glowing with
effulgent gold ear-rings and curly flowing locks, and with their delightful glances and smiles
sweeter than nectar.
Then Lord Krishna entered into the waters of the Yamuna along with the Gopis in order to
refresh Himself, just as a leader of an elephant-herd accompanied by the she-elephants plunges in
the waters after having broken through the dams. The bees also followed Him singing His glories
like great Gandharvas.
Thereafter Sri Krishna was sprinkled with water by those youthful Gopis who looked at
Him affectionately and smilingly. The celestials showered flowers from their aerial cars and sang
His praises. Thus the Lord who finds delight in His own Self sported in the Yamuna like the leader
of elephants.
Then Sri Krishna came out of the water and entered the groves on the bank of the Yamuna
surrounded by bees and the Gopis. He sported like an elephant with a pleasant breeze bearing the
fragrance of the flowers of land water.
The full moon spread her bright and silvery rays all over the earth. The night exhibited all
the pleasant features of autumnal season as depicted by poets. The Lord spent the nights, brilliant
with moonlight, in the company of the devoted Gopis.
King Parikshit said:  O sage; the glorious Lord of the universe did incarnate Himself by a
portion only to establish Dharma (righteousness) and uproot Adharma (unrighteousness). He is the
author, the teacher and the defender of Dharma. He must set the example. How then did He choose
to act against Dharma by making love with others wives and touching them? Bhagavan Sri Krishna
is the Perfect Being. He has nothing to desire or gain. He has done what is detestable. Why did he
perpetrate this unworthy act? What could be His idea? O holy sage! Please remove my doubt on this
Suka Deva replied:  O King! Even the Lords of beings are seen now and then to violate
Dharma and perform daring acts. But such acts do not affect those powerful beings. It does not
become an evil act on the part of great spiritual beings. Fire consumes everything but remains
untouched by their evils. It is ever pure. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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