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He'd let the establishment use him! ... For a price, he'd run Duane's errand, and here I was!
"Ohhh! ... Oh, you lousy, sneaky bastard! It was all a trap!"
"Really? My, my."
He came toward me and I backed up. I bumped into a little gate-leg table and didn't have anyplace to
go. He just kept coming toward me.
"Funny. I said I thought today was the day." He grinned and took hold of me. "Turn around."
Like hell I will! I thought. Anything you get from me you're going to have to work for! I was afraid to say
it out loud, but he couldn't keep me from thinking it.
So he whirled me around and mashed the fronts of my thighs against the end of the table. He grabbed a
handful of hair at the back of my head and bent me forward. He didn't really slam me down on the table;
he just kept pushing until I lost my balance and lay on my face. And he hung onto my hair, holding my
head down, while he walked around me.
He untied one hand from my belt and jerked my arm around so my hand was at the edge of the table,
right by the corner, and tied it. I still wasn't sure what he was using; I couldn't really see. But I wasn't
fighting, either. I knew how badly he could hurt me if he wanted to. He stretched my other arm out the
same way and tied it to the other corner. And I couldn't quite reach the floor with my feet. Oh, I could
touch it with my toes, but I couldn't get my feet on it solidly enough to move.
"Okay, baby!" God, what a note of triumph he had in his voice! "Okay, baby! Now let's see how sassy
you are!"
I sort of whimpered. "Please, Duane! Leave me alone! Let me go!"
"You're just saying that," he said.
He forced his hands under me and mauled my boobs. I mean, he got one hand under my chest and lifted
and then got both hands under my boobs and started squeezing and playing with them. I kicked and
squirmed, but it wasn't any use.
"You dirty shit!" I yelled at him. "Get your Goddamn hands off my tits!"
He pulled one hand loose and smacked me in the mouth. I groaned and clamped my stinging lips
together. I was right! He sure as hell could hurt me if he wanted to!
Keep your stupid mouth shut, Lee! I told myself. Just keep it shut!
So he burrowed his hand back under me and started unbuttoning my blouse. When he had it
unbuttoned, he flipped it over my head and unfastened my bra. He broke the shoulder straps and pulled
the useless garment out from under me so my bare tits were resting right on the table! Flattened out on it,
of course.
"Duane ... please? Please don't do whatever you're thinking about! ...
"Aw, come on, Lee. You know you just can't wait until I get down to the nitty-gritty."
"Oh, please, Duane!"
"Honey, by the time we get through here you're going to be begging me not to stop."
I was so scared the tears were making a pool on the table under my face. He might do anything! He
might even kill me to keep me from talking! And I didn't want to die!
The next thing he did was unzip my skirt. It wasn't easy to work it over my hips with my butt sticking out
the way it did, I suppose, but it didn't take him very long. And there I was in my panties and pantyhose
(I don't know about anybody else, but when I wear pantyhose I wear panties over them. I mean, a girl
looks so naked in pantyhose! And he pulled my panties off without any waste of time at all.
He took his time with the pantyhose. He rolled them back over my ass like every square inch of those
pink, round, smooth ass-cheeks was something to gloat over. And he kept running his fingers over the
flesh as he uncovered it. When he got the nylon below the depressions where my buttocks cupped in to
my thighs, he paused and slid his fingers onto the hair that covered my pussy-lips.
"Nice, Lee! I was afraid you'd been using that thing so much it would be all sloppy and loose. Got a
nice, tight little cunt there."
"Oooh! You wouldn't talk like that if there was anybody cared what happened to me!"
"Oh, Lee! How you do carry on! You know how much I care!"
"A lot you care, you big prick!"
I shouldn't have said that. He must have wound up over by the Missouri river, the way he whacked my
ass! The slap sounded like dropping a pallet of lumber! And my legs flew out straight and my head
jerked up and I let out a yell.
"I don't like a lot of yelling," he said. "Every time you let out a yell, I'm going to clout you one.
Understand?" And he blasted me on the ass again.
I couldn't help it! Honest to Jesus, I couldn't! I knew I mustn't make a sound, but it came welling into my
throat and burst between my clenched teeth anyhow! So he hit me again and I let out one more yell.
"Sonofabitch!" he said, as if he were talking to himself. "Doesn't learn very fast! Well, I'll put that off for
a few minutes."
Instead of smacking me again, he got the pantyhose the rest of the way off. And for a minute, nothing
"Shit!" He sounded disgusted. "Got you on there wrong."
He untied one of my hands and moved it over where the other one was, then tied it up again. And he
untied the other and manhandled me around so I was lying across the table with my arms stretched just
about straight out to either side. My head was hanging over the edge, unless I held it up. And while he
was moving me, he got the blouse off my arms. That left me entirely naked. And the fronts of my thighs
were still tight against an edge, only at the side instead of the end.
He tied my ankles, then. He stretched my legs apart until I thought he was going to split me right up the
middle and tied them to the table legs. And then he came around in front of me and started taking off his
He was dark-skinned. I don't know if he was part Indian or part Mexican or what. But his skin was
pretty dark and he always gave me the feeling he was some kind of foreigner. It wasn't just suntan. He
wasn't white anyplace! He didn't have a whole lot of hair on his body, either. He had real thick, black
hair on his head-all wavy and greasy. But not very much on his chest or belly. But it was like a forest at
his crotch! God! Black and thick and curly and as stiff-looking as horse hair! And so much on his balls I
could hardly see any skin at all! And a big, dark, gleaming cock-shaft. His cockhead-the foreskin, I [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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