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Mantra of Recall [Elite]
10 energy / 1 second cast / 20 second recharge / Prophecies Campaign
Description: Elite Enchantment Spell. For 20 seconds, you gain no benefit from it. You
gain (13& 25) energy when Mantra of Recall ends.
Clarification: You will gain the energy from this enchantment even if it is removed early.
Comments: Notice this is an enchantment and not a stance, which means you can
combine it with another mantra. This is a very potent energy management skill: pay 10
energy now; gain more energy later. It typically is best used in energy-intensive builds in
which the other class is monk or elementalist, or in offensive mesmer degeneration builds
that cycle through energy quickly.
Mantra of Resolve
10 energy / 20 second recharge / Core Skills
Description: Stance. For (30& 78) seconds, you cannot be interrupted, but each time you
would have been interrupted, you lose (7& 3) Energy or Mantra of Resolve ends.
Comments: See comments from Mantra of Concentration. Like its related mantra, this
stance prevents interruption. This stance can prevent as many interruptions as
necessary, as long as you have energy to pay for it. This stance is best used as a way to
ensure  easily interrupted skills (such as ranger traps if that s one of your classes, or any
spell while you are suffering from the  dazed condition) can be used without fail.
Mantra of Signets
15 energy / 20 second recharge / Prophecies Campaign
Description: Stance. For (10& 22) seconds, the next time you use a  Signet ring, it
recharges immediately.
Comments: This is the ideal stance for dealing with the recharge times on Leech Signet
or Signet of Midnight (see the No Attribute skill list). If one of your classes is monk, you
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can also use this to double up on Bane Signet or Signet of Judgment [Elite] for
knockdown-filled fun. If you re really into signets, you can use this stance to recharge
Keystone Signet instantly (though that will take the elite slot), thereby allowing you to
recharge a full set of signets twice in a row.
Physical Resistance
10 energy / 20 second recharge / Prophecies Campaign
Description: Stance. For (30& 78) seconds, You gain +40 armor against physical
damage, but you lose (24& 14) armor against elemental damage.
Comments: As with its counterpart, Elemental Resistance, the +40 armor equates to
cutting damage in half  physical damage in this case. Words cannot describe how
helpful this stance is for dealing with many of the warrior mobs in PvE, especially while
soloing. It also makes a fine defense against warriors and many rangers in PvP, though
you ll need to beware smart warriors who will use Wild Blow to break your stance. Some
types of PvE warrior mobs (like jade armor late in the Prophecies PvE game) will use Wild
Blow, but most will not, leaving them to deal pitiful damage to you while you hex/burn
them into oblivion. Me/W players who are looking for something to enable them to tank
better would do well to give this skill a try. Try combining this stance with Savant s armor
from Factions to enhance your armor level further.
Power Drain
5 energy / ¼ second cast / 20 second recharge / Core Skills
Description: Spell. If target foe is casting a spell, the spell is interrupted and you gain
(10& 25) Energy.
Comments: This spell is rather like Leech Signet, except this costs some energy to
activate, recovers even more energy than the signet, recharges much more quickly, and
only interrupts spells. As with the signet, remember this spell only gives you energy; it
doesn t actually steal it from your foe. This skill is invaluable as energy management for
interruption-heavy builds and is useful in PvE and PvP alike. Secondary mesmers looking
to dabble in interruption should consider this skill, since it allows for energy gain even at
Inspiration rank zero.
Power Leech [Elite]
10 energy / ¼ second cast / 15 second recharge / Factions Campaign
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Description: Elite Hex Spell. If target foe is casting a spell, that spell is interrupted and for
10 seconds whenever that foe casts a Spell, you steal (1& 6) Energy from that foe.
Comments: This skill actually isn t quite as effective as it might look at first glance. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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