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performance, the client develops a profound
events that allows them to apply their newly
feeling that the repressive barriers have been
acquired learnings efficiently within a more
broken, that the communication is actually
creative view of themselves and their
understandable, and that its meaning can no
relationships. You don't always need to
longer be kept at a symbolic level.
know what the problem is in order to
achieve a therapeutic closure. When you talk
Hypnosis enables the Hypnotherapist to
strongly to the client you give them an
exchange ideas and information directly
inspiration. They believe they can do things.
with the client's subconscious. It frees the
State it simply and believe what you are
subconscious to apply its capacities fully to
saying. You can motivate a despairing client that it becomes an experience of seemingly
to do things when you convey an reliving the original event. This intense
understanding and sincere belief that they reorientation into the past is possible with
can use their power for change. hypnosis and can be remarkably useful
therapeutically. Displacement in time and
Never give the client the impression that
space and re-immersion into the past
you are a  detective searching for clues,
provides opportunity for the client to
instead, give them the impression that they
discover things, more constructively to the
are always sharing in the responsibility for
experience than they did originally. It can be
the success of the work. Rely on the client's
used to resurrect old, more effective patterns
own thinking and intelligence to make the
of response or to remind clients of positive
proper interpretation of the problem when he
aspects of their past. It can focus their
becomes ready for that realization and ready
awareness upon events that were
for change.
misunderstood initially, especially when that
Too many hypnotherapists try to recover
misunderstanding has led to problems in the
the total experience all at once. Start the
present. Stimulating an awareness of the
process of change and it continues! Once
source of existing attitudes or reactions can
change is underway and is recognized by the
enable the person to gain a more useful
client, he may temporarily regress, but
perspective on the present. Within hypnosis
cannot return to the original point of
it is even possible to alter the subjective
experience of time in such a manner that
clients can re-experience practically their
Because you are dealing with a person
entire lives in the span of twenty minutes.
who has both a conscious mind and a
Such an all-encompassing review may
subconscious mind, achieving good results
provide immeasurable leaps in objective
with a client in a deep trance does not mean
self understanding and self-appraisal.
that the client will benefit from it in the
ordinary waking state. There has to be an
Hypnosis gives the client an opportunity
integration of subconscious learnings with
to dissociate himself from his problems and
conscious awareness. In dealing with clients
to take an objective view of himself. He can
it is always necessary to decide how rapidly
make an inventory of his assets and abilities,
and how thoroughly they will need to
and then, one by one, deal with his problems
integrate what they learn subconsciously.
instead of being overwhelmed by all of them
and being able to think clearly in any
(Spoken to the client. - )
 Now, all of the things I've said to you
The dissociation of intellectual content
will come back changed into your own ways
from emotional significance can create an
of understanding. And, in the future, you
understanding of the meaningfulness of
will discover sudden insights, sudden
both. Hypnosis permits such dissociation
understanding, a' sudden thought that you
when needed, as well as correction of it.
hadn't thought of before. It will be your
Point out to a client that it is perfectly
subconscious mind, bringing to your
possible to remember the intellectual facts of
conscious mind things that you already
something but not the emotional content,
knew, but you didn't know that you knew. 
and vice versa.
Revivification is the recollection of an
There is a vast difference between
event with such clarity, intensity and detail
thinking and feeling: thinking can be valid how long the client will need to digest the
but it's limited; a feeling can be anything new material. It could be a day or a week or
even though it's a delusion and irrational, longer.
and it is if emotional reasoning that prevails
The unfamiliar is unacceptable unless
in daily life, not exercises in logic. We
you can make it mystical.
spend our lives doing what we  feel like
The field of hypnosis is open to any
person willing to qualify by interest, study
The therapist can split off the intellectual
and experience, and the intelligent use of
aspects of a problem for a client and leave
hypnosis depends essentially upon a
only the emotional aspects to be dealt with.
background and foundation of personal
One can have a client cry out very intensely
interest and specialized training.
over the emotional aspects of a revived
Learning to be an effective
experience. Or, one can do it in a piecemeal
Hypnotherapist does not mean learning the
fashion - that is, let him recover a portion of
technique to use with everyone. Every client
the intellectual content of the experience of
requires an unique approach. Imitation of
the past, then a portion of the emotional
anyone, or the recitation of a memorized
content - and these different aspects need not
patter is not the road to success. Every
necessarily be immediately connected.
Hypnotherapist must develop a personal
Usually it's best to have clients
style that is comfortable and flexible enough
experience the emotional first and later the
to be modified by each client's unique needs
intellectual, because after they have
and learnings.
experienced the emotions so strongly, they
Never assume that the subject's
have a need to integrate the intellectual
understanding of instructions is identical
with yours.
Always praise your subjects and thank
Use the client's own words and
them for their participation. Do this before,
experience as much as possible for trance
during and after a trance episode. Such
induction and programming.
comments can relax potential subjects,
provide support to hypnotized subjects and
Study and learn hypnosis so well that no
confirm the value of the trance to subjects
matter what develops in any situation you
emerging from the experience. Even if
can think of something; you can devise
nothing of particular significance has
something that will meet your client's needs.
happened during the trance, you want to
Intellectual book knowledge about
avoid discouragement. If something
hypnosis won't do it, nor will reading books [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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