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Stay there for a second. The concept of  being before
you have it. And what you re ready for is ready for you. Can
you just walk us through that?
I have pictures of Walt Disney on my wall here in
my office.
During the last days of Walt Disney s life, right
before he died, a guy came in to see him. The guy
comes in and says,  Oh Walt, it s so terrible, you're
not going to get to see Epcot and Disney World.
And Walt looks at him and says, "Are you kidding
me? If I didn't see it my mind, you'll never see it in
your experience."
This telephone call that you and I are having now
was your vision before it happened. And it was my
vision at two levels. My vision was that I get to do
publicity, talk to people that care, that really want to
make a difference in their life. Your vision was to
have people that could really do celebrated thinking
so that people out there listening could get an
exalted idea, continue listening and your show gets
to keep growing, so it's a win, win, win. All three of us
are winning.
Absolutely. Well, let's touch on the brother of
visualization, which is affirmation. Now, number one, do
you use affirmations in your own life? And number two,
what's the proper way to move forward on that?
Affirmations have always got to be in the first
person, singular. They ve got to be "I AM", because
that's the strongest words in the world.
If you are poor, you've got to start affirming
quietly and privately to yourself, "I'm rich." If your
sick, you've got to say, "I'm healthy." And you've got
to visualize that the doctor is going to come in and
say,  congratulations, you've overcome that dreaded
disease , or whatever the problem is.
Or visualize who s going to give you the trophy or
award and say, "Boy, you've got the number one
business show on the air." Somebody will say that to
you in the future. Who is that person?
That's what you've got to visualize and be quietly
and inwardly affirming, because the spiritual line is
that signs follow, they don't preceed. What happens
is, they follow. And the other great spiritual line is:
 your words shall not return to you void. But you go
out and accomplish the mission whereon to you send
it. What it means is that most people think,  well, I
can talk and it doesn't matter. When I talk right now,
it goes into history. It's just the opposite, it goes into
the future!
So, what we re saying right now is that, we re
going to sell a million books in one day. We are
going to sell a million books, raise a million bucks for
charity and feed a million kids all in one day in
America. We got a new book: Chicken Soup for the
Kid's Soul.
By the way, I expect you to come to one of the
signings and sign books on our behalf.
I'm there already.
Isn't that cool?
Mark, there's something about you as a person that
fascinates me.
It seems to me that you just develop instant rapport with
How do you go about developing that type of rapport
with people?
Well, that goes along with the four principles that
we re covering:
Figure out what you want, write it down, and
visualize it.
Then, the fourth one, you take your two index
fingers, and one and one equals the power of 11.
When you've got your team together, you get your
dream together. And two people can create miracles.
Jack and I, and the team that I've created, all
visualize that I'm not there for me, I'm there for the
audience. In this case, I'm here for your audience.
What I m saying is, that we need to have instant
rapport, so we can have a fast start and really go
Usually, in the professional speeches I've got,
even the stuff on videotapes, it's usually limited to an
What I learned from Bucky Fuller is that, we call
that,  a good start! [laughs]
It's like right now, you've got people out there
listening to us going, "Oh man, I've got to have more
of this stuff! This is really good!" So, they'll go up on
your website and my website and they ll call our
offices and they'll start. And what they are going to
find out is that I ve got 55 hours of non-duplicated
They'll go,  nobody can know 55 hours worth of
stuff. But, every day I've decided that, not only am I
going to write for two hours, not only am I going to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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