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are taking better preventative methods.
 Yeah. Sophie smiled weakly as her stomach churned. She suddenly felt very sick and faint.
 If you want to go down this road with me Sophie you will need to follow my rules. He
assessed her coolly.  You need to know what you are getting yourself into.
 I know. She stared back at him coolly. She saw Ella and Joseph walking back on the deck and
she saw Joseph patting her friend s ass. All of a sudden she felt a shiver of cold inside of her.
 We can make this a new arrangement if you want. He paused.  You can be my special
 Like the one s you had before? She spoke casually but there was urgency to her words.
He looked at her carefully.  What do you know about my other assistants?
 I know you ve fucked them as well.
 I just know. She looked at him unflinchingly.
 Then you know how the arrangements ended? He looked at her with a half smile, though his
eyes were hard.
 No, not really.
 They all wanted more and I fired them. He laughed.  This isn t a forever arrangement. When
I ve had my fill I m done.
 I see. Though she had a billion questions. How long did it take for him to be done? And did
he see them outside of work? Did he ever date anyone regularly?
 I don t think you do. He laughed and looked out at the lake.  I m not a good guy Sophie. You
should walk away now. I can hurt you.
 No you can t. She lied. She would take any hurt just for the chance to be with him for any
length of time.
 I can. He looked at her with pain in his eyes.  I am capable of hurting you in ways you do not
even know about.
 What are you talking about? She whispered, scared but hopeful to learn more.
 A long time ago, I did a very bad thing. His voice was low.  I can never let it happen again.
 What did you do? Sophie questioned him, her heart beating rapidly. She had a feeling this
was related to the information Ella had been talking about.
 I loved someone very much. His voice was filled with emotion.  I couldn t control myself.
Sophie felt her heart ripping apart.  What did you do? She whispered.
He looked into her eyes and her heart ached for him. She could see the deep pain that lingered
there and he looked like a lost soul.  I did it for love. I was blind. I didn t know. How could I
know? His voice broke as he spoke.
 Do you still love her? Sophie s heart was breaking and she didn t know if she wanted to know
the answer.
 Yes. I ll always love her.  His voice was low.  She s all I ever think about.
 Oh. Sophie felt crushed.  And she doesn t want you?
He looked at her and he laughed. A deep dark laugh filled with pain and sorrow.  She must
never know of my love. Nothing good will ever come of it.
 Oh. Sophie didn t understand and she felt more confused and upset than ever.  I see. So you
don t want to date her?
 There are some people so precious and delicate in life that they must be protected from all of
nature s dark side.
 She deserves better than me. He laughed.
 So you ll just date someone else then? Sophie wanted to break away from him and jump into
the river to drown her sorrows.
 I don t date. He paused.  I ll never love anyone the way I love her. He reached over and
pinched he nipple.  I just fuck instead.
 Oh. She swallowed, ashamed at how good his hand made her feel.
 Yeah. I ve had 10 assistants in the last year. He looked at her intently as he rolled her nipple
between his fingers.  I m a bad boy Sophie.
 I m a bad girl. She lied, desperately hoping that she could somehow come out of this
 No you re not. He looked out to the lake again.  But I think you need to see who I really am
for you to finally leave me alone.
She gasped and pushed him away deeply hurt by his words. She walked away from him
quickly and stood by Ella, who was drinking a beer with a smirk on her face.
 Hey, what were you and Max discussing so intently?
 Just work stuff. Sophie paused.  So has Max ever had a serious girlfriend?
 Huh? Ella gulped back the beer she was drinking.  Strange question but yeah, he used to
date this girl called Alexis. They have been on and off for years.
 Oh? Sophie racked her brains to see if she could remember who Alexis was.
 Yeah. I think they were really serious ages ago, back before things went bad.
 Yeah, that summer when he went to jail. Ella whispered, delving more secrets now she was
drunk.  I think it had something to do with her. I m not sure what though.
 Wait, was she the girl that used to have the house next door? Sophie thought of a beautiful
girl with long black hair who used to come over sometimes.  The one we used to call modern
day Snow White?
 Yup. Ella laughed.  Was she beautiful or what? If it s possible she is even more beautiful
 Oh. Sophie frowned.  So what happened?
 I don t know. Ella whispered.  But a year or so ago, she came to the house and I heard her
talking with Max in his study. She told him she forgave him and hoped they could put it behind
 Oh yeah? Put what behind them though? Sophie felt anxious.
 I told you I don t really know. Ella frowned.  But Max told her he wasn t good for her. He said
he regretted what happened more than life itself. He said that the best thing he could do for
those he loved was to stay away.
 Wow. Sophie scratched her forehead, willing herself not to cry.  He must have really loved
 Yeah. I guess. Ella sighed.  Love is fucked up.
 Yes, yes it is. So there she had it. Maxwell was in love with beautiful Alexis. She wondered
what had happened to make him think that the best thing he could do for her was to stay
away. If he had loved her she would have put up with anything just to be with him.  Why was
Joseph touching your ass Ella? Sophie whispered to her friend, trying to get her mind off of
 What? Ella looked at her in shock.
 Is something going on between you and Joseph? Sophie tried to keep the judgment off of her
face. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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