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15 (garden) vegetables 7A 'Children's books are going through an performances ... (sections of Waitai miyao) reflect the
16 coloured stones incredibly fertile period, ' says Wendy 18 viii Particularly section commencing: Indian origin of much Chinese
17 (white) paper Cooling ... 'There's a real buzz around Moreover, Ms Costa finds that the Passage 3 The Art of Healing knowledge on ailments of the eye ...
18 Face to Face them.' share of the family budget spent on Answer Location of answer in text 38 2nd century BC
19 pencil drawing 8 8-14 years/yrs/(year-olds) leisure now rises much less sharply Para 7: continuing a literary tradition
20 all materials Para C: The main growth area has with income than it used to. 28 C The 1 st sentence of paragraph 1 documented since the 2nd century BC.
been the market for fourteen-year 19 ix Public investment in sports complexes, emphasises the sophistication of 39 prescriptions
olds... parks and golf courses has made medicine during the era. The final Para 8: In contrast to developments
SECTION 3 9 Orion Para F: And advances seem to be leisure cheaper and more accessible. sentence explains this further: The (and) single in the 12th century,
growing too: UK publishing outfit So too has technological innovation... organisational context of health and physicians relied substances on
21 40 million Orion recently negotiated a six-figure 20 vi By lowering the price of healing was structured to a degree ... prescriptions and single substances to
22 dogs/the dog sum from US company Scholastic for entertainment, technology has i.e. the 'systematic approach'. treat their patients' illnesses.
23 only ate plants The Seeing Stone, a children's novel by improved the standard of living of 29 A Last sentence of paragraph 3: They 40 Sun Simiao
24 Polar Bear Kevin Crossley-Holland ... those in the lower end of the income (doctors) were remunerated in Para 9: Sun Simiao was the first
25 Brown Bear 10 J.K. Rowling distribution. accordance with the number of cures Chinese author known to compose an
26 Sun Bear Para G: After Rowling, Wilson is 21 ii Whole paragraph but in particular 1 they had effected during the past year. elaborate medical ethical code.
27 Giant Panda currently the best-selling children's stand last sentences. 30 B Para 5: explains that doctors had to
28 Sloth Bear writer ... 22 F Para A: Measuring how much people meet certain standards when they
29 B 11 D According to David Almond: ... they earn is relatively easy, at least worked: The Tang legal code was the
30 E ask me very sophisticated questions compared with measuring how well first in China to include laws
Przykładowy test
about use of language, story-structure, they live. concerned with harmful and heterodox
chapters and dialogue. 23 G First mentioned in paragraph C: The medical practices.
SECTION 4 12 H But Anne Fine ... is concerned that industrial workers surveyed in that 31 YES Para 2: ... the Tang administration set
z podręcznika
the British literati still ignore year (1888) spent, on average, three- up ... medical colleges with professors,
IELTS Practice
31 C 32 B 33 C 34 B 35 A 36 C children's culture. 'It's considered quarters of their incomes on food, lecturers ... to train students in one or
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37 first person worthy but boring, ' she says. shelter and clothing. Then mentioned all of the four departments of ...
38 (a) new element/helium 13 C .. there is little doubt that the boom again in paragraph D: By 1991, the 32 NO Para 4: Everyone was encouraged to
Vanessy Jakeman
39 (the) lost planet/(the) new planet/Vulcan has been fuelled by the bespectacled average household needed to devote benefit: prescriptions from the
i Clare McDowell
40 gravity apprentice Harry Potter... only 38% of its income to the basic emperor's formulary were publicised on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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