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The camera. Her cunt tightened as Nick moved in and got them all. She licked his cock as it
grew. Her hands worked him around the base and balls. Sean lost control first and covered her
Roger s cum hit both of her breasts. Craig s grip changed, and his hips drove her hard. He
hit her G-spot with more force.
 Craig! She had to let go of Nick as Craig came on her. Her climax took over, and she
lifted for more as Craig held her tight, adding his cum inside her. They both shook, and he
collapsed on her.
With a surge of adrenaline, Craig flipped her up and back onto the pillows with him.  I
think we need a nap before dinner.
 Then round two? She snuggled on top of him, never wanting to move from his strong
 As many as you want. Nick stretched out on her left side.
 We ll be worn out for duty, Roger said from the doorway.
 Not that last night. We re all going to bed early. She yawned.  I m not that selfish.
Sean settled on her right side. It felt odd but Craig didn t seem to object. After kissing
Sean and then Nick and finally Craig, she looked at the door.
 I ll just start dinner. You re out of room. Roger left.
Nick s fingers teased Laura s rear.  Don t get worried. He doesn t want to spoon with me.
 Well, he knows I won t spoon with him. Sean grabbed her hand and laced his fingers
with hers.
Laura felt a tug at her heart.  How did you handle this before? she asked.
 You re special, Craig said.  This never happened before.
She wanted to talk about it and figure out what was best. But the warmth of their bodies
and her satisfied insides all made her too tired. Craig held her tight so there was no question who
she belonged to. Laura held him right back.
 Later, she mumbled. Some things had to work themselves out.
* * * *
After a late dinner, they all sat around the table in robes or boxers. Laura waited for the
right moment to bring up Roger s issue.
She stretched.  So Roger isn t into the group catnap?
Roger shrugged.  We all like different stuff. Nothing personal. I try not to get attached too
 Been burned? she asked.
He didn t answer.
 Even if this doesn t work out sexually long-term, I m not going to freak out and run.
You re still my friends. We re all adults here. You can t scare me away. Laura propped her feet
on Roger s legs.
 We d never let him scare you off. Nick rubbed her shoulders.  Roger s just moody.
 You re calling me moody? Roger snapped.
Laura didn t want to push too hard. Round two would have to wait.  Okay, enough for
one night. Let s start fresh in the morning. No pressure, no expectations and no attitude. We ll all
have three months to think it over. She reached for Craig s hand, and he held hers, squeezing it
Chapter Five
The next morning, Craig woke early and texted the other men the fantasy for today so
they d be ready at ten. No doubt, the tension formed last night had faded. The guys never stayed
annoyed at each other for long.
He made breakfast and brought it into the bedroom. He wanted to keep Laura in the dark
for now. He d have a little time with her before things got hot. Sharing her made time alone even
more special.
 Are the guys mad at me? she asked as they ate.
 No, nothing like that. Let me spoil you while I can. He kissed her.
 Is this part of the fantasy? She looked to the door.
 No, quit guessing. Eat, then a shower and I ll put out what you can wear today. My
fantasy. He sat there in nothing but boxers, getting hard at the idea.
 It feels weird to exclude the other guys. I ll get the hang of balancing this. Do I get
dessert? Her hand slid over his erection.
 Not now. First, get in that shower. I want to watch. He followed her and put the lid
down and sat attentively.  Leave the curtain open.
 You re not joining me?
He shook his head.  Mental video for me.
She smiled and nodded. Running her fingers through her hair, Laura worked hard to give
him a good show. She stepped under the hot spray and let it hit her, arching her back and teasing.
Lathering herself slowly, she spent extra time in all his favorite areas before rinsing.
Craig watched every move as he freed his cock and slowly worked himself. He d be doing
that a lot in the next three months, and he wanted to remember her this way alone and sexy for [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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