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He resisted the urge to molest her and instead landed the first stroke. His cock
twitched as he watched her whole body tense and come alive from the pain. The first
had been a warm-up, smarting but bearable. The second made her cry out in a long
muffled wail. He waited between each stroke, letting the searing fire burn, spread, and
subside before laying on the next. By the fifth stroke, she started begging for respite
behind the gag. By the seventh, her pleas changed to sobs of self-recrimination and
despair. Each stroke made her leap and then writhe in the aftermath, pulling at her
restraints so her whole body seemed to fight the pain. When she had ten livid stripes
across her backside, he stopped and put the cane away in its place beside the bureau.
He listened in the silence to Sophie s sobs. He returned and sat beside her on the bed,
but she turned away.
 Look at me.
She turned back, a mess of tears and slobber. He removed the gag and wiped her
chin with a tissue, then brushed away her tears as she stared back, pain still coloring her
 Do you feel better now that you ve been punished for what you did?
She nodded.  Yes Sir. Thank you for punishing me. I deserved it.
 It was a hard punishment, but I want you to understand how important it is not to
keep secrets from me.
She nodded, a few last tears straying down her cheeks as Dave went about
unfastening her wrists and then her ankles. When he finished, he pulled her into his lap
and pinched her sore ass cheeks. She whimpered a weak protest but he ignored her
discomfort, stroking the welts to feel her tense against his chest. Not now. Don t fuck her
now. He forced himself to stand and pull her to her feet.
 Now, go get the medium plug and the clamps. You re going to write lines while
Ryan and I go for some takeout.
Sophie crossed to the chest of toys again, returning with the nipple clamps draped
over one arm by their connecting chain, and the medium silver anal plug in her hand,
Annabel Joseph
already dabbed with lube. He noticed with amusement that she had been quite stingy
with the lube. Nothing like a subbie who punished herself.  Bend over the bed.
Sophie grasped the footboard and bent over, spreading her legs without being told.
Dave worked the plug into her, in and out, judging by her short moans of discomfort
when to shove it in to the hilt. He pressed the base against her, making sure it was fully
seated.  Who do you belong to, Sophie? he asked against her ear.
 You, Sir. She exhaled with a shudder.
 Stand and present your breasts to me.
Sophie stood and turned to him, taking deep breaths as he pinched her nipples and
applied the biting clamps to each tender point.  Now, you know what to do. When
you re finished, remove the clamps and get dressed again. You ll continue to wear the
plug until I tell you otherwise, as a reminder of how naughty you ve been. I m going to
go with Ryan to get Chinese for dinner.
 Yes Sir. She swallowed. A telltale scarlet blush was flooding her cheeks.  Will I be
eating with you both tonight?
 You certainly will. When I come back I expect to find you sitting in the living room
waiting for us.
She blushed even redder.  I m just so embarrassed, Sir. For my behavior, and
having to be punished with him waiting out there 
 As well you should be. But when the lines are done, your punishment will be over
and you ll snap out of it and be a pleasant hostess for my friend. Let s turn the night
around, baby. He smiled and tugged on the chain dangling across her chest.  Now get
busy. The longer these stay on, the more sore you ll be, and you re already going to
have a hard time sitting.
* * * * *
Sophie moved to the desk and pulled out some of the lined notebook paper Dave
kept on hand for one purpose and one purpose only writing lines.
Sophie wrote lines at least once every week, although not usually for such serious
misbehavior. More often than not, she wrote them with clamps on her nipples, a
nagging background of ache to add to the humiliation. The chain hit against the edge of
the desk as she leaned over and picked up her pencil. She shifted on the hard wooden
chair, feeling every one of the ten stripes on her burning cheeks, not to mention the
intrusive plug in her ass.
I will not keep secrets from my Sir.
I will not keep secrets from my Sir.
I will not keep secrets from my Sir.
I will not keep secrets from my Sir.
Some small part of her, as ever, whined, Why are you doing this? But the greater part
of her was careful to write in neat, even print, to capitalize every Sir and dot every i. She
Deep in the Woods
knew why she did it because she needed it. Why she needed it was a more difficult
question, but thankfully one she felt less and less worried about answering. She loved
Dave and he loved her. They made each other happy. Enough said.
But those thoughts made the tears come again, confused tears of gratefulness mixed
with self-reproach and shame.
I will not keep secrets from my Sir.
I will not keep secrets from my Sir.
Sophie thought she might have written I should not keep secrets from my Sir instead.
Or I really, really wish I hadn t kept secrets from my Sir, because now I feel so awful. Or I m the
luckiest girl on earth to have such a wonderful Sir, so what was I thinking sneaking around
behind his back?
But Dave probably wouldn t appreciate her efforts at creativity, or an essay on why
she loved him so much and how she would never keep secrets from him or go into the
woods again without his knowledge. Look at what happened to Little Red Riding Hood [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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